Englobally with the EOS Project helps children

Englobally is a young specialist in providing management and consulting services in various fields of accounting in Chile dynamic signature. Within the field of accounting, Englobally is a company that specializes in payroll in Chile.

Englobally believes in the importance of taking an active role in society and solidarity NGOs supporting projects such as the EOS of helping children . Currently in the UK there are about 40,000 orphanages small at social risk. EOS was founded with the goal of helping this sector , the most vulnerable of society and invisible too muted.


EOS is intended to meet the individual needs of each child through a specialized professional help until the child’s personal situation stabilizes and a long-term monitoring of these children to contribute to their optimal social integration. We know their good work first hand and we want to contribute to this cause , so they can continue helping and protecting the youngest and most vulnerable of our society. We honestly believe that their work is worthy of support and honored to contribute our little grain of sand.