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Diferencias sexistas en Chile

El Consejero Comercial Jefe de la Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Santiago de Chile ofrecerá próximamente un seminario  sobre los mercados de oportunidad para  Franquicias Españolas. Don Rafael Coloma Ojeda informará sobre cómo vender moda, confección textil y calzado en Chile a través de franquicias, tiendas o córners dentro de grandes almacenes.         La fecha prevista para el primer evento es el 26 de junio y durante el transcurso de un año se irán ofreciendo mes a mes hasta finalizar el 26 junio del 2016.Dentro del sector terciario, la venta al público de moda y complementos, está ocupada en su mayoría por mujeres y por ello los datos que revela el informe emitido por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Chile en el mes de mayo son preocupantes.


Durante el 2014  se declararon como inactivas 5.675.990 personas, de ellas 3.703.743 correspondieron a mujeres, es decir que más de un tercio del total de mujeres (36,5%) alegan que no pueden trabajar por tener a su cargo hijos o personas mayores. En el caso de los hombres las razones con mayor peso porcentual son las de seguir estudiando con un 42,5% del total de hombres. Al analizar las características de las mujeres que se encuentran inactivas por razones familiares permanentes es relevante destacar que cerca de la mitad de ellas cuentan con educación secundaria (49,8%), mientras que un 6,8% posee educación universitaria.  La media de edad de las mujeres inactivas está entre los 25 y los 54 que es precisamente la edad más adecuada para ser competentes dentro del sector terciario donde además se ven relegadas ya que también existen importantes diferencias en la concentración de sexo dentro de los sectores económicos: un 84,8% del total de mujeres trabajadoras participó en el sector terciario de la economía, mientras que sólo el 10,2% y 5% participaron en los sectores secundario y primario, respectivamente en 2014. En tanto, los hombres se concentraron en 54,9% en el sector terciario, 27,6% y 17,5% en los sectores secundario y primario.

Según datos de una encuesta exploratoria hecha en el 2009  sobre el uso del tiempo libre en Santiago de chile, el 77,8% de las mujeres destinan 3,9 horas para realizar trabajo doméstico no remunerado de lunes a viernes y un 31,8%, unas 2,6 horas para el cuidado de personas en el hogar. En el caso de los hombres, es de 2,9 y 1,6 horas, pero con tasas de participación muchísimo más bajas (40,7 y 9,2%, respectivamente).

Los datos revelan sin duda que hay cosas que parecen no avanzar con el paso del tiempo aunque gracias a las charlas informativas y de ayuda  que se ofrecen, muchas residentes Europeas deciden abrir sus propias boutiques y contratar los servicios de consultores accounting Chile o contar con plataformas de gestion nominas Chile para ofrecer trabajo a las mujeres Chilenas y que se puedan sentir realizadas dentro de una profesión remunerada y fuera de su casa.  Es de esperar que la mentalidad de la mujer Europea haga cambiar las costumbres de un país que todavía permite las desigualdades de sexo en el ámbito laboral y poco a poco vaya igualándose el derecho humano a un trabajo digno.

Universidades de Chile

En la actualidad existen 60 universidades en Chile reconocidas oficialmente por el Estado que se clasifican en las tres categorías siguientes:
• Universidades estatales o públicas
• Universidades tradicionales no estatales o particulares
• Universidades privadas
Las universidades estatales o públicas, también llamadas universidades tradicionales estatales, son universidades de derecho público que poseen sus propios estatutos y que pertenecen al Estado de Chile. Actualmente son 16 las universidades existentes.
Universidades tradicionales no estatales
Las universidades tradicionales no estatales, también llamadas universidades privadas pertenecen a instituciones privadas o a la iglesia católica aunque también reciben aportaciones del Estado.
Actualmente son 9, 6 católicas y 3 privadas no católicas.
Universidades privadas :Las universidades privadas, son todas las universidades no estatales creadas después de 1981, de conformidad al DFL 1 de 1980 o a la Ley 18.962 (Ley Orgánica Constitucional de Enseñanza) de 1990.

Institutos Profesionales
Los Institutos Profesionales sólo podrán otorgar títulos profesionales que no requieran licenciatura, y títulos técnicos de nivel superior en las mismas áreas.
En la actualidad existen 45 Institutos Profesionales.
Centros de Formación Técnica
Los Centros de Formación Técnica sólo pueden otorgar el título de técnico superior.
En la actualidad existen 74 Centros de Formación Técnica.
FFAA y de Orden
A esta pertenecen la Academia Nacional de Estudios Políticos y Estratégicos (ANEPE); Academias de Guerra y Politécnicas; Escuelas de Armas y Especialidades de las Fuerzas Armadas; Escuela Técnica Aeronáutica de la Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil y Academia de Ciencias Policiales de Carabineros de Chile; Escuelas Matrices de Oficiales de las Fuerzas Armadas; Escuela de Carabineros; Escuela de Suboficiales de Carabineros de Chile; Escuela de Investigaciones Policiales y Academia Superior de Estudios Penitenciarios.

Técnico de Nivel Superior
El título de Técnico Superior es para aquellos que han realizado1600 clases mínimas lo que les da la capacidad y conocimientos necesarios para desempeñarse en una especialidad de apoyo al nivel profesional. Este título puede entregarlo un Centro de Formación Técnica, Instituto Profesional o alguna Universidad que ofrezca una carrera técnica y no posea el rango de Grado Académico.
El título profesional es el que se obtiene aprobando un programa de estudios cuyo nivel y contenido le dan una formación general y científica necesaria para el desempeño profesional. Este título puede entregarlo un Instituto Profesional o una Universidad, con la excepción del título de abogado, otorgado por la Corte Suprema.

Nos encontramos así con la tesitura de si todos los expertos outsourcing contable Chile tienen reconocida por el estado su profesionalidad y dado que en los últimos años las empresas necesitan de estos profesionales para gestionar mejor sus negocios, es frecuente encontrar personas que se ofrecen a hacernos el trabajo y no cuentan con los conocimientos adecuados ni la experiencia demostrable necesaria para llevar la contabilidad Chile de forma correcta.
Vale la pena asegurarse de seguir la recomendación de un amigo o pedir que nos muestren sus titulaciones si no queremos pagar por un trabajo mediocre.

Novedades en la Renta 2015

Ha arrancado la campaña para hacer la declaración de la renta del año 2014, con ella llegan novedades que el contribuyente debe tener en cuenta. Una de las novedades es que este año se han comenzado a cobrar antes las devoluciones. El programa padre del cual pueden hacer uso todos los contribuyentes se ha simplificado. El calendario habitual ha cambiado, empezando el 7 de abril, una semana mas tarde que el año pasado. Para compensar este retraso han ofrecido la posibilidad de tramitar tanto las declaraciones como los borradores por Internet desde el primer día. El unificar estas fechas ha ayudado a que las declaraciones estén entregadas dos semanas antes gracias al programa de ayuda, programa que fue utilizado por 8 millones de contribuyentes en el ejercicio anterior.

Gracias a esto las devoluciones también están logrando ser mas rápidas, a partir del día 10 abril ya se comenzó a hacer efectivo la devolución , con ello se ha conseguido adelantar las devoluciones en tres semanas.

La agencia tributaria ha encontrado un incremento de contribuyentes que presentaran su declaración respecto a años anteriores. En las primeras horas de campaña se detecto que más de 70.000 personas habían presentado ya su declaración, una cifra un 46% más elevada que un año antes. a lo largo de la mañana, se habían presentado unas 150.000 declaraciones, un 38% más que en la campaña anterior.

Novedades que se incluirán en la nueva renta

  • Se cambia la casilla 620 por la 415, denominada “base liquidable general sometida a gravamen”. Para obtener la referencia de la casilla el contribuyente tendrá que aportar el importe que aparece en dicha casilla, su nif y el número de su móvil donde será enviado el número de referencia. En cambio los declarantes nuevos o que encuentren un numero 0 en dicha casilla, habrán de aportar aparte del nif y el numero del teléfono móvil el numero de cuenta iban.
  • Otra novedad que será del agrado del contribuyente es que podrá obtener información  sobre a donde va destinado el dinero de nuestros impuestos. También se pone a prueba un nuevo programa que utilizaremos en un futuro, es un programa que unifica el programa padre y el borrador permitiendo que sea un programa mas rápido y sencillo para el contribuyente.
  • Otra nueva medida que encontramos, es que las indemnizaciones que superen los 180.000 euros si tributaran, con efectos 1 de agosto del 2014.
  • Y como cambios mas “solidarios” para los contribuyentes, es que la dación en pago queda exenta y permite a los titulares de participaciones preferentes y deuda subordinada, una mayor capacidad para jugar con las rentas positivas y negativas con el fin de compensar posibles pérdidas.

outsourcing de contabilidad y cumplimiento tributario

Pasarela Sostenible Internacional

La Feria FIMI 2015 que se celebra en Madrid del 19 al 21 de junio  es la feria infantil de carácter profesional e internacional con más visitas en todo el mundo donde participan alrededor de 350 marcas de 13 países y que cuenta con más de 10.000 visitantes según datos de otros años.
Se presentarán las colecciones de la temporada primavera / verano 2016 de Moda Infantil, calzado, complementos y adicionalmente habrán pasarelas de moda y charlas técnicas donde se tratará la importancia de elegir los tejidos más naturales para los más pequeños.
En Chile son buenos fabricantes de tejidos naturales y la calidad de su algodón y sus pieles es muy apreciada para los  países Europeos.

Si un fabricante Español decide que quiere contar con la materia prima de la mejor calidad puede desarrollar el centro de producción allí y luego exportar el producto final ya elaborado para venderlo en España.
Actualmente no es difícil establecerse en países de Sudamérica y podemos encontrar una asesoría contable y tributaria en Chile que nos ayude a comprender la manera de hacer negocios respetando el plan de contabilidad Chile y contratando la mano de obra mejor cualificada para obtener un producto con un 100% de calidad sin que los costes sean elevados.
El consumidor actual valora la calidad por encima del precio y no debemos escatimar en contar con países que son productores de la mejor materia prima si con ello ganamos la confianza de nuestro cliente.
La globalización ofrece múltiples ventajas y una de ellas es poder exportar sin necesidad de tener que pasar por trámites burocráticos interminables.

Hoy en día encontrar profesionales que se dediquen a esta labor no es difícil y si lo que deseamos es formar parte de esa Feria no debemos pasar por alto la oportunidad de contar con el mejor producto para vestir a nuestros niños.

Outsourcing the Payroll? Make the Right Choice!

A lot of multinational firms and other businesses want improvement in current payroll practices, but have doubts about choosing a comprehensive global solution. Also most companies want improvement in their current payroll practices, and what they don’t know is that payroll providers can deliver a comprehensive global solution.

While some companies are not adjusting their payroll administration model, others plan to expand in to global markets, but this applies mainly to organisations that operate in mature markets are hence are more likely to be able to adopt a consistent model.

Nowadays the payroll function has become an administrative burden that many companies feel they could do without. Many HR professionals don’t understand how important the payroll function for the life of a business is. Outsourcing payroll increase efficiency, and save time for HR professionals so they can focus on more strategic activities. It is important for the companies to make the right choices when they want to outsource the payroll.

Benefits of outsourcing the Payroll

Secure information: The introduction of secure internet services has made it easier for businesses to gain instant access to their management information. This easy access can be combined with the efficiency and back-up of a bureau or managed service in an outsourced online solution. The process is also improved because data is captured at source and shared directly with the service provider, taking away the need to input data twice, which in turn reduces input errors, streamlines processes and reduces delays in information transfer. The added benefits in terms of speed, maintenance and upgrades make this the most efficient option.

Serious Service: The service you choose should offer streamlined processes that will enhance the service to your company and support your HR strategy. Make sure that your initial objectives for outsourcing will be fulfilled and that the service provider is fully aware of these. The service you choose should offer streamlined processes that will enhance the service to your company and support your HR strategy.

Future growth plans: Make sure that the payroll provider can cope with future growth. Check what the financial implications are if you recruit more staff and whether the service can expand internationally if required. If you already use computer systems for HR, time and attendance, general ledger or other related processes, these can be integrated into the payroll solution.

HR and Payroll integration: Opting to outsource payroll processes doesn’t mean sacrificing an integrated HR and payroll database or a fully functional HR application. Many services have integrated HR and payroll. You may also want to make use of employee self-service (ESS) and manager self-service (MSS) to spread any administration through the company.

Managed service or Payroll processing: A managed service means handing over the whole end-to-end management of the process to the supplier, along with the responsibility for the day-to-day execution of payroll tasks such as adding new starters, pension and benefits payments and others. This option allows the buyer to implement best practice to bring greater efficiency through their organisation and to reduce the internal administrative burden. It should let companies focus resources on core activities and provide the savings and benefits that come from an experienced supplier.

A payroll-processing service allows a company to gain access to an outsourcer’s fully maintained, legally compliant payroll and processing resource, while gathering and retaining employee changes and information in-house. Companies usually choose this service level if, for example, their payroll resources are stretched, to ensure compliance or to reduce the administrative burden.

Not mentioned but also relevant; a benefit like experience plus all the benefits above make companies like payroll in Chile, a right choice for your company and business.6759453761_b3383926b7_o

Benefits of Outsourcing The Payroll

For many businesses, payroll services offer an attractive and valuable alternative to in-house payroll processing. Payroll service companies perform an important function assisting employers comply with laws. images

Without the proper knowledge of payroll procedure and access to a payroll program, it’s easy to make mistakes. Usually, late payments are cause for monetary penalties. Local tax collection agencies need to be paid on time, and in the right way.


Services provided by outsourced payroll companies

A payroll company’s basic services include:

  • Calculating payroll and tax obligations for each employee.
  • Provide employee access to address and payment information changes, online pay statements and tax forms.
  • Delivering checks, can be issued on a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, semi-monthly or yearly payroll basis.
  • Provide online access to standard reports, including historical data.

As an owner or manager of a small or medium business you have to focus on many tasks to ensure your business is successful.  As your business grows, you need your payroll to be flexible enough to meet changes in your business requirements.

Choose the right provider 

You will need to communicate regularly with your payroll provider, a payroll service should offer:

  • A high level of customer service.
  • Experience in the sector.
  • Security to ensure your company will not suffer from any potential financial mishandling.

Benefits of Outsourcing Payroll

Here are some of the most important reasons why all kind of businesses outsource their payroll.

Avoid technology problems: A constant question for small business owners is whether they have the latest version of their payroll software and the most recent tax tables installed on their computer. Using the wrong tax tables can result in penalties. Outsourcing payroll keeps payroll running correctly.

Time savings: Many small business owners and their staff find it better to use their time for focus on activities related to the core mission and leave finances and payroll to someone else.

Accuracy and compliance: Payroll mistakes are common, and many small operations find it nearly impossible to stay on top of the numerous and complicated tax code changes that can lead to these errors. Outsourced payroll experts are trained specifically in this area. When mistakes occur, the business owner may be able to seek financial or legal restitution, depending on the specifics of the service contract.

Reduce costs: The direct costs of processing payroll can be greatly reduced by working with a payroll provider.

Lower long-term costs for some businesses: The choice between in-house payroll and outsourced solutions is a question of what is most efficient and cost-effective for the size of the operation.

Finally, using a payroll service can ease your mind, while on in-house payroll two out of every six employers has been charged for a payroll mistake, with total penalties reaching into a lot of money on costs.

Payroll in Chile, is an outsourcing solution that will help you grow and adapt your business the smart way. Whatever the size of your company, they can provide a flexible outsourcing solution, allowing you to focus on your business.

A Global Vision of Payroll in your Business

Organizations try to expand operations globally, a lot of the processes necessary to run a successful business are complicated, or require more attention. Payroll is one of these processes.  The numerous options to evaluate payroll services can be overwhelming. Outsourcing the payroll implies, that the price you will pay depend on your company’s size, needs, and number of employees. It is a good decision to contact payroll experts and providers, but before, we have to adjust our plans and expectations.aeafr

Payroll does most of the things more important to a business: Paying the employees in a way that complies with national, regional and local laws and regulations and paying employees on time with the right amount.

For these reasons, developing a similarly global payroll process is often a challenge, that most companies have not yet overcome.  A lot of companies have found a provider able to handle their fully outsourced global payroll process; most of them have a mix of in-house and outsourced payroll and a process that is handled completely in-house.  The lack of full outsourcing is due to some issues in the marketplace; like the low-level of maturity in the payroll outsourcing market and the lack of confidence that providers can deliver end-to-end solutions.

Companies with global operations use various payroll outsourcing models based on the needs of the local operations and the capabilities of available providers. Instead of allowing local employees to manage payroll, and treat the subsidiary as a separate entity. While other companies, maintain centralized control over international payroll operations with little autonomy at the local level and manage their entire enterprise, including payroll, as one global entity. What keep global companies from moving to a global payroll solution are the costs and taxes. Also the doubts about the provider being not able to meet the company’s requirements and needs.

The market for payroll services is very competitive, many providers offer packages geared specifically toward mid-sized or small companies. Basic payroll processing has a per-check fee or per-employee, in addition to the base account fee. While base account fees vary widely from one provider to the next, you can expect to pay a certain amount . To keep expenses under control, it’s best to define your needs ahead of time and search for a provider with an-all inclusive package that will address your requirements, like accounting in chile.Etude-remuneration-walters-people-2015-penurie-supply-chain


Tricks used by Successful Entrepreneurs for your Business

There are thousands of great entrepreneur success stories that inspire and challenge us to be better versions of ourselves. Perhaps the most surprising thing about successful entrepreneurs is that their success sometimes comes from the most unlikely places. We hand-selected these entrepreneur success tricks they used to become successful long time ago, and still useful nowadays.thumb-328420_640

First of all, this is a brief list of the basic tricks that will help you to continue on the road of being an entrepreneur, and when this tricks are applied in your small business is what makes you a successful entrepreneur:

Love what you do: Choose something that is in line with your own personal interest and passion, then it never seems like work. If you don’t love what you do, it’s hard to be successful, this helps you stay positive after all, you need to maintain your optimism. And don’t be afraid to fail

Have Mentors, Coaches or Masterminds around: You can’t know and do everything. You must rely on others.  Surround yourself with great mentors. They will help you to improve the development and growth through advising from their mistakes and successes.

Come up with innovative ways to solve problems: New ideas and projects that will help others are great ways. Necessity really is the mother of invention. Coming up with out-of-the box innovations will improve your business in different ways, so keep your creativity up.

Plan, Set Goals and Celebrate: Organize your plan of attack. Set realistic benchmarks and meet your own deadlines. Challenges are unavoidable. When you hit a road bump, try it again different, so you can continue moving forward. Detach yourself from all the little distractions. Celebrate when there is something worth celebrating to keep your eyes on the prize.

Here are tricks you can do right away at your small business with minimal costs:

  • Creating a working group: These working groups are also a great resource for your first-time customers. You can create a place to share tips on how they can use your service. Use an online forum, so your customers can help each other out.
  • Giving away cool gifts for your best customers:  Clothing, bags, stickers, pens, cookbooks and calendars are good ideas.
  • Showcase exemplary customers: A simple gesture like a customer of the month recognition nurtures customer loyalty. It is all about promoting your customers.

Here are tricks you should consider as you scale your business:

  • 14387365942_ff542892a4_hOutsource the payroll: Choosing to outsource the payroll ,we can avoid investing in training and payroll software. These are reasons why choose an outsourced service like payroll in Chile, is a right choice.
  • Outsource your design: A good way to project the impression of a large team is a great design. There are so many great places to find high quality designers at affordable rates.






4 Basics for Small Business Accounting

Many businesses spend at least four hours every month on payroll. Over the course of a year, means a full work week.aeaaa

With professional companies like, payroll in Chile, you can run payroll in minutes, not hours. We want to share some basics that will help you to master accounting.

As a small business owner, accounting can be a complicated. You are busy selling to customers and it is tempting to worry about how to account for it later. Without proper accounting practices, you may be exposing your company to working capital shortfalls or tax penalties. Take some time and learn to master this four basics for small business accounting.

 Set-up your cloud based accounting

The days of doing your accounting on old software is over. There are numerous cloud-based accounting solutions that you should consider. By moving to the cloud, you can connect your accounting provider to other cloud-based applications, from time-tracking, expense management, and of course, payroll. Since many third-party accounting firms also use the latest software, it is important to pick a software solution that scales as you grow.

Decide on your accounting method

There are two popular accounting methods: Accrual accounting and cash. Depending on the method you choose, you can have a meaningful impact on visibility into your business operations.

  • Accrual Accounting: This type of accounting recognizes revenue and expenses when they are earned, regardless of when cash is paid in or out.
  • Cash Accounting: Recognizes revenue when cash is received and expenses when cash is paid out. With this method, there is no accounts receivable or payable.

Which one is the best choice? While most small businesses start with cash accounting, as companies grow, they adopt accrual accounting because it monitors a company’s long-term financial health. It also follows accounting’s matching principle.

Invoicing online

As your business grows, it is important to make sure you are getting paid. The traditional way of invoicing is to send invoices to your customers by the end of your billing period, typically through a simple mail. As you can imagine, a lot can go wrong in these situations. Your invoice can get lost in the mail and it is time-consuming  to follow-up if the customer is late to pay.

To stay on top of your invoices, start invoicing online with a cloud-based accounting provider and collect your payments online as well. An online service can help you:

  • Accept payments online
  • Automate follow-ups
  • Track the work throughout the engagement
  • Create an online paper trail for clients and regulators

Track your expenses online

Just as getting cash more quickly into your business it is vital, to track your expenses closely. One particular area where small businesses get tripped up is collecting, recording, and managing receipts.

In the other hand, this is a common mistake made by novice and seasoned entrepreneurs alike. Receipts can become faded and unclear, or lost. The impact on your business can be very meaningful, particularly around tax time. Without proper expense management, you may miss expenses on your tax return, which means less deduction. You may also end up triggering an audit.

Poor expense management means you have poor insight into your company’s spending. Rather than wait until tax day to organize your expenses, you should consider tracking them as close to real-time as possible to manage your company’s operations daily.


Most cloud-based accounting providers have an export and import function for expenses that tie into your credit card and bank accounts. There are also providers, like accounting in chile that help you manage expenses and track reimbursements.


The Perfect method to Avoid Payroll Fraud

Payroll Fraud is real. According to some Associations of Fraud Examiners, it’s the number one source of accounting fraud and employee theft.fdfg

There are three common types of payroll fraud:

Timecard falsification: can be easily caught through the reconciliation and employee review process.

Ghost employees: They are employees that do not exist. It can be paying themselves a duplicate paycheck through a false name, and having the money deposited in their checking accounts.

Misclassification and workplace: Self-inflicted by the employer through worker fraud. It’s the illegal practice of designating an employee as a non existing worker or an independent contractor. Some business owners do this to avoid paying payroll taxes, unemployment tax or workers’ compensation insurance and are therefore able to submit lower bids for projects, undercutting responsible companies. In the other hand, many other business owners may be misclassifying workers without even knowing it, such as if they designate tasks or set time with the contracted employee in all cases, it is simply not worth it.

Payroll fraud needs your attention; the key is catching it and minimizing the risk. Anyone can steal at any time.  The best way in doing so is to reconcile your payroll at least quarterly with someone other than the person who runs your payroll. The reality is payroll fraud is not preventable, but is catchable. Yes, it is that simple.

There is much that goes into choosing a payroll company. While you may not realize the importance right now, this is a decision that will greatly affect your company’s financial future. With many options, you should be able to locate a service that is perfect for your company.

These advices can help you make an informed, confident decision:

  • Make sure the service is experienced in handling the most important areas. This includes: paying your payroll taxes on time; paying your employees on time; and filing your payroll tax forms by the deadline.
  • Know what you don’t need and know what you need. Payroll companies offer a huge variety of services. It is important to pay for what you need and to avoid signing up for something that does not pertain to your business.
  • Monthly cost, based on the company you choose as well as the level of service you require and the number of employees you have. It is important to know exactly how much you will be paying, month after month, so that you can budget for this expense. Companies like payroll in chile, can adapt to your business with the services you only need.

eeasdWith this information, you will find it easier to locate the right payroll company for your organization; avoid fraud,  save time and money for focus in your business.