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Ranking of the 7 best logistics companies in Spain.

Are you looking for an expert logistics company and do not know which one to choose? Sometimes the needs of companies go beyond sending a package, you may need other services such as picking or storage.

Below you will find a ranking with the best Spanish companies expert in logistics to make it a little easier to choose. We have prepared the ranking based on several aspects such as the services offered by each company, the experience and the quality of the services provided.

1. Vivace Logistica (Madrid)

Vivace Logistica Madrid

Vivace Logística is a company that was founded in 2001, its specialty is the picking service, they take care of the whole process: from storage, inventory management, order preparation, distribution, etc. They also offer reverse logistics management for the transfer of their materials effectively and economically, with their corresponding collection notices and delivery notes.

They use E-CATS and KIT-FID management tools, for an online store or Marketplace, with real-time tracking and reporting that will facilitate the process of tracking and ordering status.

For us Vivace Logística is the best option for the experience, customer service and above all for the ease to adapt to each client in a personalized way, that is why we have assigned the first position.


If you have any questions or want to contact them here you have their website:

2. Vivace Logistica (Barcelona)

Vivace Logistica Barcelona

The second company in the ranking is Vivace Logistica Barcelona, they belong to the same group, STACI, so they have a very similar way of working. They offer logistics services, picking services and warehouse and transportation services.

Their specialty is the picking service, they take care of the entire process: from storage, inventory management, order preparation, distribution, etc.

At Vivace Logistica Barcelona, we assign the second position in our ranking since they also have great experience in the sector and they adapt to the needs of each client. Like Vivace Logistica Madrid, they also have a great customer service, so your choice of one or the other will depend only on the best location for your company.

Vivace Logistica Barcelona
Contact them for any questions and they will attend you carefully:

3. ALC (Actividades Logísticas Centralizadas)


ALC is a company specialized in integral logistics. They have more than 19 years of experience in the sector. They offer Picking, Packing and integral transport services.

They transport merchandise both large and small volume, long or short distance, with refrigerated or canvas service, making immediate deliveries, from today to tomorrow or according to the times agreed with the customer.

They have more than 50 warehouses, with a total of 85,501 m2 spread throughout Spain and offer tailored solutions for storage and distribution. Apart from conventional services, they stand out for services such as: Logistics in house, Cross docking, Wall to Wall or urgent pallet delivery.

ALCIf you want to know more about their services visit their website:

4. Stock Alpha

Stock Alpha

Stock Alpha is a company founded in 1989, specialized in integral logistics located in Madrid. They belong to the Everial group, a consolidated company in the integral logistics sector, which guarantees that they work with the best means, methods and applications to optimize the planning and management of the different logistics tasks of your company.

Apart from transport and storage, they also offer services such as promotional logistics, ecommerce services, marketing campaigns, etc. They also offer the service of inverse warehouse, covering the returns of any merchandise.

Stock Alpha

If you are interested, contact them through:

5. Lince Logística

Lince Logistica

Lince is a Logistics company located in Madrid, it was founded in 2002. It is a fast and effective responsible company that adapts to the particular needs of the management of the logistics chain of its Clients, suppliers and final customers.

They offer services that include from the management of supplies, storage, control of online stock, picking, packing, reverse logistics to the assembly and disassembly of events, as well as the repair of furniture.

They offer personalized services to each client, they will look for and apply the best solutions, allowing a greater optimization of time and resources.

Lince Logistica

If you want more information here you have their website:

6. Asenga Logísitica

Asenga Logistica

Asenga Logística is a company that was founded in 1942, although until the early 1990s they were not engaged in storage and distribution services. Their services range from storage and logistics, to picking and order preparation, but above all they specialize in the sale of office supplies, office supplies, computer consumables and associated logistics services.

They also offer the Reverse Logistics service, managing the product return from the place of consumption to the point of origin, in case of defective merchandise, customer returns, obsolete products, seasonal inventories, excess inventory returns and in other cases where necessary.

They put at your service modern storage facilities so that your product is always controlled, with more than 7,000 m2 of warehouse distributed between Getafe and San Juan de los Reyes.


If you are interested in this option, you can contact them through:

7. Locoex


Locoex is a company located in Madrid with more than 30 years of experience, providing comprehensive logistics services, offering storage solutions, transportation, distribution, Docking Croos, Study of Routes, Personnel Coverage, etc … They operate throughout the national and international level.

They have more than 2000 m2 of warehouse with the best technical and human resources that allow them to adjust to the needs of each client. Using the Lifo and Fifo systems ensure that the goods are in the right place at the right time.

They carry out studies of Routes to find the best possible solution in the transport of goods, always thinking about the lower consumption of resources and the greater productivity, with reports of viability for their clients.


As you can see, LOCOEX is another good option to close the ranking of the 7 best logistics companies in Spain. You can contact them through: .

We hope this article has been useful to you, so you now can choose the option that best suits your company.



Diferencias sexistas en Chile

El Consejero Comercial Jefe de la Oficina Económica y Comercial de España en Santiago de Chile ofrecerá próximamente un seminario  sobre los mercados de oportunidad para  Franquicias Españolas. Don Rafael Coloma Ojeda informará sobre cómo vender moda, confección textil y calzado en Chile a través de franquicias, tiendas o córners dentro de grandes almacenes.         La fecha prevista para el primer evento es el 26 de junio y durante el transcurso de un año se irán ofreciendo mes a mes hasta finalizar el 26 junio del 2016.Dentro del sector terciario, la venta al público de moda y complementos, está ocupada en su mayoría por mujeres y por ello los datos que revela el informe emitido por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Chile en el mes de mayo son preocupantes.


Durante el 2014  se declararon como inactivas 5.675.990 personas, de ellas 3.703.743 correspondieron a mujeres, es decir que más de un tercio del total de mujeres (36,5%) alegan que no pueden trabajar por tener a su cargo hijos o personas mayores. En el caso de los hombres las razones con mayor peso porcentual son las de seguir estudiando con un 42,5% del total de hombres. Al analizar las características de las mujeres que se encuentran inactivas por razones familiares permanentes es relevante destacar que cerca de la mitad de ellas cuentan con educación secundaria (49,8%), mientras que un 6,8% posee educación universitaria.  La media de edad de las mujeres inactivas está entre los 25 y los 54 que es precisamente la edad más adecuada para ser competentes dentro del sector terciario donde además se ven relegadas ya que también existen importantes diferencias en la concentración de sexo dentro de los sectores económicos: un 84,8% del total de mujeres trabajadoras participó en el sector terciario de la economía, mientras que sólo el 10,2% y 5% participaron en los sectores secundario y primario, respectivamente en 2014. En tanto, los hombres se concentraron en 54,9% en el sector terciario, 27,6% y 17,5% en los sectores secundario y primario.

Según datos de una encuesta exploratoria hecha en el 2009  sobre el uso del tiempo libre en Santiago de chile, el 77,8% de las mujeres destinan 3,9 horas para realizar trabajo doméstico no remunerado de lunes a viernes y un 31,8%, unas 2,6 horas para el cuidado de personas en el hogar. En el caso de los hombres, es de 2,9 y 1,6 horas, pero con tasas de participación muchísimo más bajas (40,7 y 9,2%, respectivamente).

Los datos revelan sin duda que hay cosas que parecen no avanzar con el paso del tiempo aunque gracias a las charlas informativas y de ayuda  que se ofrecen, muchas residentes Europeas deciden abrir sus propias boutiques y contratar los servicios de consultores accounting Chile o contar con plataformas de gestion nominas Chile para ofrecer trabajo a las mujeres Chilenas y que se puedan sentir realizadas dentro de una profesión remunerada y fuera de su casa.  Es de esperar que la mentalidad de la mujer Europea haga cambiar las costumbres de un país que todavía permite las desigualdades de sexo en el ámbito laboral y poco a poco vaya igualándose el derecho humano a un trabajo digno.

Pasarela Sostenible Internacional

La Feria FIMI 2015 que se celebra en Madrid del 19 al 21 de junio  es la feria infantil de carácter profesional e internacional con más visitas en todo el mundo donde participan alrededor de 350 marcas de 13 países y que cuenta con más de 10.000 visitantes según datos de otros años.
Se presentarán las colecciones de la temporada primavera / verano 2016 de Moda Infantil, calzado, complementos y adicionalmente habrán pasarelas de moda y charlas técnicas donde se tratará la importancia de elegir los tejidos más naturales para los más pequeños.
En Chile son buenos fabricantes de tejidos naturales y la calidad de su algodón y sus pieles es muy apreciada para los  países Europeos.

Si un fabricante Español decide que quiere contar con la materia prima de la mejor calidad puede desarrollar el centro de producción allí y luego exportar el producto final ya elaborado para venderlo en España.
Actualmente no es difícil establecerse en países de Sudamérica y podemos encontrar una asesoría contable y tributaria en Chile que nos ayude a comprender la manera de hacer negocios respetando el plan de contabilidad Chile y contratando la mano de obra mejor cualificada para obtener un producto con un 100% de calidad sin que los costes sean elevados.
El consumidor actual valora la calidad por encima del precio y no debemos escatimar en contar con países que son productores de la mejor materia prima si con ello ganamos la confianza de nuestro cliente.
La globalización ofrece múltiples ventajas y una de ellas es poder exportar sin necesidad de tener que pasar por trámites burocráticos interminables.

Hoy en día encontrar profesionales que se dediquen a esta labor no es difícil y si lo que deseamos es formar parte de esa Feria no debemos pasar por alto la oportunidad de contar con el mejor producto para vestir a nuestros niños.

7 tips for Growing Your Company

For growing into a sustainable company, Startups go through three distinct phases: Designing the product, selling the product and maintaining the business in the market. On this last phase we can take concrete actions like; evolving the product and service offerings, streamlining operations, modifying the sales organizations and others.

Here you have 7 tips for companies preparing the growing process.


1 .Establish a customer-success team

If it hasn’t been done already, establish a customer-success team with the goal of maintaining customers for a long time. Measure and incentivize this team by gross churn.

Significant attention needs to shift from securing new customers to retaining and selling to current customers

2 . Invest in product marketing

Consider vertical sales and marketing teams based on industry, use cases and/or products. Establish a product-marketing team in charge of writing marketing requirement documents for products; these are called MRDs for products, creating sales collateral , developing customer advisory boards, messaging, and pricing, and simplifying product packaging.

There will be a diminishing productivity rate, largely because the salesforce is no longer only comprised by the founder. Counteract this by making sales easier.

3. Take a channel strategy

While a channel strategy isn’t for everyone, most companies opt for a combined direct and channel approach . It is a must to be patient, but also very critical of progress.

Determine if the channel’s sales team has the required knowledge to sell the product. Make sure they are correctly motivated to sell the product through a sales performance incentive fund , but consider compensating them in other ways, too. Allocate enough pre- and post-sales support

 4. Check product offerings

Challenge situations and consider new opportunities, including ones that would require more risks.

You can ask these questions: Can products be eliminated to double down on the successful ones? How profitable is each product line? How can the product’s market be increased? How can the average revenue per unit be grown? How can the product sales cycle be shortened to reduce the overall cost of sales?  How can post-sales maintenance costs are reduced?

5. Make tighter controls

While the company grows, the risk of losing control of spending and approval processes rise. So allocate resources to regulations and document-required. Make tighter controls that ensure compliance.

6. Open new channels of communication

Companies in the growth phase are typically large enough to switch from having two levels of management; for example, directors and vice-presidents to three levels of management, and the staff also increasing.

You can establish a culture of transparency. Schedule periodic meetings for all groups with all company  workers. Each senior executive should spend a significant portion of time to obtain an in-person assessment and encourage contact with all employees.

Challenge situations and consider new opportunities, including ones that would require more risks.

 7. Establish goals and key performance indicators in place

On the beginning Initial start-ups decisions are often made by intuition, but as the company grows, they must be checked by data collected and monitored regularly across the whole company.

Key performance indicators attainment should be shared transparently across the organization, and compensation should be tied to them also.

Leaders at every level must define and track key yearly and quarterly goals.

 BONUS TIP: Outsource the payroll

Choosing to outsource the payroll does not mean, we don’t have any blame for an unwanted situation it might occur. We can avoid investing in training and payroll software. These are reasons why choose an outsourced service is a right choice.

All we will have to do, is to provide a person with basic knowledge of the payroll function, who will be the connection with the outsource service . It is necessary a person in charge for making decisions. The outsource service like payroll in chile, has a detailed service level agreement, so we can contract the services we require from the outsource service, keeping in-house others.



Basics for reduce your Corporate Tax

Reducing tax is a wide concept. Most businesses want to contribute the tax that they owe, however they don’t want to pay more than they have to.za111

Technically it’s impossible to reduce your tax, as everyone is charged the same rate, set by the tax agency. In the case of Corporation Tax, the applicable rate is paid on your profits; the money left after all allowable deductions for expenses, salary and others, and is set depending on your profit level.

Most contractors, freelancers and small businesses pay the small profits rate, and large companies pay the main rate .The key to making sure you pay no more Corporation Tax than you have to, therefore, is making sure you take advantage of every allowable deduction and expense to give an accurate picture of your profits.

For example, If you paid 500$ for a new piece of equipment but forgot to claim it, your profits will be overstated by 500$, so you will pay 100$ depending on the profit rate, as an extra in Corporation Tax. It literally pays to stay on top of these things.

Every situation is different, and there may be deductions or allowances for your specific industry, we recommend check with a professional. There are a few basics every business owner should know to make sure they’re not paying more tax than the necessary.

Record everything

Record every train or bus ticket, and each pad of paper, because over the course of a year those items add up.

You’ll have industry-specific items to claim too, remember your tax agency rules. Basically anything you claim must be entirely for business use.

Use Gift Aid

When making a charitable donation, make sure the Gift Aid box is selected so that the charity gets the full donation tax-free. Higher rate taxpayers can claim the difference between the higher rate of tax and the basic rate of tax, on the total value to the charity of your donation.

Claim all allowances and benefits

While some benefits are being cut, make sure the state is giving you what you are owed.

Pay yourself a salary

Do not forget that you and your business are different legal entities; the money made is not yours so you need to pay yourself a salary. Also salaries are business expenses, which reduce your profit and, in turn, your Corporation Tax.

Check tax codes

Be tax aware and make sure your tax code is correct. Some people may be paying too much tax without knowing it. If a tax code is not correct, the wrong amount of tax and deductions will be made. If you think there is a problem with your tax code, contact your local tax office.

Buying new equipment

If you’re in need of a slightly heftier piece of equipment, new premises or other assets, you can take advantage of your government’s annual investment allowance; things like commercial vehicles, building fixtures and office equipment for tax purposes.

Consult a chartered certified accountant


Tax is confusing, so when it becomes too complex to deal with you, it is an intelligent option to consult a qualified chartered certified accountant, like accounting in Chile


Tips : Choosing an Outsourced Payroll Provider

Outsourcing the payroll function can save money and time. If you’re considering outsourcing payroll, many companies regardless the size, are placing their trust in organisations like payroll chile, as a bureau, outsourced, part managed or fully-managed service. This kind of organisations extends across all market sectors in different countries.

Working together

When it comes to payroll, there are points to consider:

Track record serving businesses like yours

It is useful to know that the provider have a strong track record of serving businesses your size and has experience in your industry or sector.

Security and reliability of the provider

The security that the provider offers, is one of the most important things. After all, you are giving your payroll provider the names, social security numbers, addresses, and bank account numbers of your employees. Also do not forget you are giving a power of attorney to make filings on your behalf.

Make sure the provider is financially strong and has good controls in place, otherwise you could find your company in a bind.

Regulatory compliance capabilities

The payroll provider must have the resources to keep up with the laws and regulations around employment, healthcare and taxes.


Evaluating the payroll company’s technology, including its mobile readiness, it is an important actions.Some payroll companies are investing in new technology and they can keep up with technology as demand for it on the employer and employee side grows.

Accountant interfaces

A good payroll provider offers capabilities that go beyond what you can do on your own. Remember, today there are solutions for businesses as small as one employee.

Other service offerings

You can consider the broader services needed as your business grows, such as HR services and benefits.

Make sure, your accountant can get easy access to your payroll and related records for purposes of tax filings and reconciliation.


With an outsourced payroll provider your business will enjoy all the accessibility, flexibility and control of processing payroll in-house ;without having to allocate your staff, equipment, time and resources to manage it. And when it comes to reliability, accuracy, efficiency and flexibility. If you haven’t considered an outsourced solution before, a new year is a good time to consider making a switch.

11 Effective advertising Ideas

Nowadays, a company that wants to grow and expand requires a marketing plan. This plan developed properly could help to increase the benefits and the activity of our business.


The next ideas are basic but also effective ways to make our business known:

1 – Advertising on local magazines or newspapers: It may cost a Little amount of money , but it is an effective way to be known in our city or region, the areas where our potential customers live.

 2 – Creating a blog:  This one requires a lot of time and dedication, constancy too. In a long term way, we will enjoy the advantages of being positioned on internet.

 3 – Networking: To make trades with our business partners can boost the influence of our company. Networking it is an easy way to work.

4 – Distribution of leaflets: It is a classic idea but effective too, advertising through leaflets can make us visible. However the leaflets cost money and also we have to be careful with the environment.

5 – Emailing: Through this campaigns that can be free, we target our potential customers and the old customers. What we will need is fresh ideas and messages, so our emails will not be treated like unwanted emails.

6 – Advertising in public places: We can contract specific places like a bus stop or others, but usually this way is expensive. But the investment done can equilibrate the final results.

7 – Meetings and exhibitions: With that way we contact our potential customers. Showing how is the working process and the products we offer, could make us stand differently of another companies.

8 – Corporate alliances: among businesses related with our products or services, could help us to promote our products and get new customers from the another business.

9 – Advertising on the local radio or television: It also may be a cost, but the potential customers can be a lot. The local media is used every day by a lot of people so we can be exposed to many people.

10 – Advertising on webs: There is a huge variety of webs where we can do advertising. Some of them are free, and they offer tools to make this task very easy.

11 – Creating events: With an expert event planning agency we will enjoy the comfort and simplicity to use the last ten ideas just in one. Let experts the tasks of advertising and marketing and focus on your business.

busiYou decide among all the ideas mentioned or simplify them in just one, contacting professionals like the Spanish agency specialising in creative events.